Kamis, 25 Mei 2017

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT LEN Industri

Didirikan sejak tahun 1965, LEN (Lembaga Elektronika Nasional) kemudian bertransformasi menjadi sebuah Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) pada tahun 1991.

Sejak saat itu, Len bukan lagi merupakan kepanjangan dari Lembaga Elektronika Nasional (LEN), tetapi telah menjadi sebuah entitas bisnis profesional dengan nama PT Len Industri. Saat ini Len berada di bawah koordinasi Kementrian Negara BUMN dengan kepemilikan saham 100% oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Selama ini, Len telah mengembangkan bisnis dan produk-produk dalam bidang elektronika untuk industri dan prasarana, serta telah menunjukkan pengalaman dalam bidang :
  • Broadcasting, selama lebih dari 30 tahun, dengan ratusan Pemancar TV dan Radio yang telah terpasang di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia.
  • Jaringan infrastruktur telekomunikasi yang telah terentang baik di kota besar maupun daerah terpencil.
  • Elektronika untuk pertahanan, baik darat, laut, maupun udara.
  • Sistem Persinyalan Kereta Api di berbagai jalur kereta api di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatera.
  • Sistem Elektronika Daya untuk kereta api listrik.
  • Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya yang telah terpasang diberbagai pelosok Indonesia.
PT Len Industri is a state-owned company under the coordination of the Ministry of SOEs in Indonesia involved in technology-based businesses with core strengths are in the competence of human resources, who can perform system engineering, product R & D, manufacturing, system integration and maintenance. Len built / established from a research institute named LEN (National Electrotechnical Institute) since 1965.

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT LEN Industri 

Posisi : Public Relation Executive

Skill and Responsibilities:
  1. Acting as a company spokeperson to manage crisis situations,handling conflicts in order toget the most accurate and positive news out to the stakeholders about the company.
  2. Building, developing, and preserving strategic relationships with journalists, press, and various media outlets
  3. Building a strong relationship by communicating effectively with client, vendor, government, and the Ministry of SOEs in Indonesia.
  4. Guiding media, conference, and speaking opportunities for Len’s executive, as part ofcommunications strategy.
  5. Develop or improves existing and new systems and encourage innovation.

Job Requirement:
  1. Understanding of Public Relation concepts and practices
  2. Fluent in English (Speaking and Writing)
  3. Minimum of five years of Public Relation experience
  4. Age maximum 40 years old
  5. Proven track record and successful experience in the PR field
  6. Communicates well both verbally and in writing.
  7. Effectively and productively engages with others and establish trust, credibility, and confidence with others
  8. Ability to work under pressure on multiple task/projects
  9. Ready to be assigned around Indonesia

If you see yourself as a potential candidate, please send us the required application document, such as:
  1. Detailed CV in Englishto a maximum of 200 KB in size. (pdf format)
  2. Your recent photo. Limit your files to a maximum of 100 KB in size. (jpg or jpeg format)
  3. Filled  DownloadDataPRExecutive.xls  file and send to the following address: rekrutmen@len.co.id
