PT Kalbe Farma - IT Officer/Hale

Established and named as PT Biosciences Perkasa, our company was originally known as Kalbe Health Foods Division of PT Kalbe Farma Tbk., A leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia. For the purpose of raising the profile of the company and getting closer to our customers, in 2007 we changed our corporate brand identity. After the process of thoughtful and careful we changed Kalbe Farma Health Foods Division into Kalbe Nutritionals. This new corporate brand identity bearing the name of Kalbe underlines our credibility as a company with an excellent reputation. This brand new company also reaffirmed our commitment to promoting the health food industry and our appreciation of a better life. Cultivate Living Through Science is our statement represents our dedication to continually make the best use of advanced science to improve human life. It is a source of motivation and inspiration to keep moving, intensively developing useful products and providing excellent customer service.
Kalbe Farma
Being very aware of the importance of promoting human life and knew it was a decent and beautiful gifts that need to be taken care of, we are producing health food for every critical stage of human life. Stages range from early lifeâ ¢ â, ¬ conception â "¢ s own, through a period of growth and production phase and subsequently to the golden age of life where physical health began to decline. We strive to ensure that the products Kalbe Nutritionals will help our customers in the entire stage so that they can enjoy life as a journey to lead a happy and blessed.
Source : Wikipedia

Jobs Vacancies PT Kalbe Farma

IT Officer - Hale
Bogor (West Java)
  1. Male / female
  2. S1 (Computer Science / Information Systems)
  3. Mastering SQL database and Visual Basic Dot Net
  4. In charge of the manufactory (ERP)
  5. Never make an application program
  6. Willing to be areas of Bogor / Serpong
If you have interested and meet qualification above please apply online befor 8 / 5 / 2013 via link below >>